The 1969 Moon Landing Was Almost a Disaster.

If you were around in 1959, and told your friends that 10 years from now, we'll be sending men to the moon and bringing them back safely to earth, you would have been laughed at, ridiculed and probably told to see a psychiatrist. (Image: © NASA Johnson) This was considered a fantasy at the time, not too different than saying that in 2029 we're going to visit Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun. Yet on July 20th 1969, that's what happened. Neil Armstrong took Man's first step on the moon on that day. A thousand years from now, when historians look back on the history of mankind, Neil Armstrong's name will likely still be remembered. The moon landing is perhaps man's greatest technological accomplishment, ever in the history of human civilization. The 50-year anniversary of this momentous event is in 2019. and we should celebrate. This is not just a celebration for the United States, the flag of which these three men represented, but ...